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17.05.2017 08:46 - Хеликобактер пилори – отърви се завинаги от тази напаст
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Последна промяна: 23.05.2017 23:02

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Хеликобактер пилори – отърви се завинаги от тази напаст Начало » Хеликобактер пилори – отърви се завинаги от тази напаст image

Хеликобактер пилори. Те са…



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Не, не. Не си представяй фузили!

Една бактерия, позната на човечеството от хиляди години. Тя е не просто бактерия. Тя е грам-отрицателна бактерия. Тя е бактерия, която не знае какво е милост за стомаха ти. Хеликобактер пилори – една от най-демонизираните бактерии. Днес ще те запознаем с нейната същност и ще ти дадем полезни съвети за това, как да се справиш с нея.

Какво е хеликобактер пилори?

Хеликобактер пилори (Helicobacter pylori) е грам-отрицателна бактерия, която е устойчива на стомашната киселинност и дори много удобно живее в тази среда. Тя буквално се вгражда във вътрешните стени на стомаха, като по този начин става невидима за антителата на човешкото тяло.

Всички знаем, че когато статистиките говорят… дори и най-скептичният ум – мълчи. А те показват, че бактерията се изолира при 99% от случаите на язва на дванадесетопръстника, 80% при случаите на рак на стомаха и около 60% от случаите на различни стомашни язви. Най-разпространената, сред които е пептичната язва. Но нека хвърлим още няколко числа за повече яснота – хеликобактер пилори е част от стомашната флора на повече от 60% от населението по света, а при 80% от заразените – инфекцията протича безсимптомно.

Хеликобактер пилори има спираловидна форма с камшичета. Именно тези камшичета се захващат за стомашната мукоза. Наличието на тази бактерия в стомаха предизвиква отделянето на повече стомашна киселина, за да бъде бактерията унищожена. Този процес обаче не постига своя ефект и без да преувеличаваме солната киселина започва да разяжда стомашната лигавица. Резултатът е – гастрит, язва или дори по-лошо – рак на стомаха.


Все още не е напълно ясно как се осъществява процесът на заразяване. Въпреки това, знае се, че бактерията се предава по въздушно-капков път. Достатъчен е допир, целувка или друг обмен на телесни течности, за да се сдобиеш с чисто нов член на семейството ти от бактерии. При това – нежелан. Най-честите посредници на заразяването са водата, храната и близостта с други заразени хора.

За да се предпазиш, до колкото можеш, от среща с хеликобактер пилори:

  • Спазвай добра хигиена, особено ходене до тоалетна.
  • Дезинфекцирай ръцете си преди да си приготвиш храна.
  • Пий вода, чийто произход е сигурен. Бъди внимателен, когато пътуваш и винаги залагай на пречистената вода.
Симптоми при инфекция с хеликобактер пилори

Както вече споменахме, в голям процент от случаите заразените дори не знаят, че са гостоприемник на хеликобактер пилори. Често симптомите се формират в продължение на години. Сред най-често срещаните симптоми са:

  • Наличието на язва, гастрит.
  • Наличието на рак на стомаха.
  • Наличието на анемия.
  • Подуване и болки в стомаха.
  • Киселини.
  • Оригване и лош дъх.
  • Много тъмни или черни изпражнения.
  • Понижен апетит.
  • Отпадналост и умора.
  • Повръщане (с консистенция на кафе).
Лечение на инфекция с хеликобактер пилори

Стандартното лечение на хеликобактер пилори е антибиотичното. Въпреки това, докладват се все повече случаи на резистентни към антибиотиците щамове на хеликобактер пилори. При такива случаи пациентите се подлагат на няколко курса антибиотично лечение, което нанася сериозни поражения на стомашно-чревната флора. Ти знаеш, че заедно с „лошите“ бактерии, с приема на антибиотици си заминават и „добрите“. Току-виж след едно подобно неуспешно лечение се сдобиеш с нова палитра от симптоми: запек, нарушено храносмилане, диария, улцерозен колит, отслабен имунитет, която може да предизвика друга каскада от нежелани последствие.

Lactobacillus reuteri

В научните среди съществуват убедителни изследвания, които посочват, че един специален щам на Lactobacillus reuteri подпомага ликвидацията хеликобактер пилори от стомашната флора. Става въпрос за патентования щам Pylopass™. Този специален вид лактобактерии се прикрепят за повърхността на хеликобактер пилори. След това формираният коагрегат се извежда извън организма посредством чревния тракт.

Ефектът от терапията се забелязва най-рано след 2 седмици, като редовният прием на Lactobacillus reuteri Pylopass™ колонизира дълготрайно стомашната флора. Предимството на този пробиотик е, че той не нарушава по никакъв начин баланса на стомашно-чревната флора.


Най-добрият и сигурен подход за изкореняването на бактерията е едновременният прием на:

  • Lactobacillus reuteri Pylopass™ за извеждането на хеликобактер пилори извън организма и колонизирането на стомаха със защита срещу повторно заразяване с хеликобактер.
  • Качествени пробиотици с различни щамове на Lactobacillus и Bifidobacterium, които заздравяват стомашно-чревната флора.
  • Високи количества витамин С, които действат противовъзпалително, антимикробно и заздравяват лигавицата на стомаха и червата.
  • Натурални и алкалообразуващи минерали, които балансират стомашното pH.
Диета при инфекция с хеликобактер пилори

Не съществува диета, която директно да повлиява възстановяването от инфекция с хеликобактер пилори. Независимо от това, някои навици е добре да се държат под контрол:

  • Да не се приемат газирани напитки, кафе и алкохол, защото дразнят стомаха и изострят симптомите.
  • Да се преустанови тютюнопушенето, защото забавя процеса на възстановяване.
  • Да се намали консумацията на месо, защото създава киселинна среда, която още повече предразполага бактерията.
  • Да се ограничи консумацията на захар, под каквато и да е форма, защото „храни“ хеликобактер пилори и увеличава популацията му.

Най-добрата диета за хеликобактер пилори е алкализиращата – много плодове и зеленчуци под всякаква форма, както и консумацията на алкална вода.
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Lactobacillus reuteri


Though the species Lactobacillus reuteri has been recognized for some time, knowledge of its probiotic properties did not come until much later.

As early as the turn of the 20th century, L. reuteri was recorded in scientific classifications of lactic acid bacteria,[1] though at this time it was mistakenly grouped as a member of Lactobacillus fermentum. In the 1960s, further work by German microbiologist Gerhard Reuter – for whom the species eventually would be named – began to distinguish L. reuteri from L. fermentum. Reuter reclassified the species as "Lactobacillus fermentum biotype II".[2]

L. reuteri was eventually identified as a distinct species in 1980 by Kandler et al.[3] This group found significant differences between L. reuteri and other biotypes of L. fermentum, and thus proposed it be given formal species identity. They chose the species name "reuteri", after discoverer Gerhard Reuter, and L. reuteri has since been recognized as a separate species within the Lactobacillus genus.


In the early 1980s, shortly after its recognition as a distinct species, scientists began to find L. reuteri in many natural environments; it has been isolated from many foods, especially meat and milk products.[2][4][5]

Interest in L. reuteri began to increase as scientists began to find it colonizing the intestines of healthy animals. Gerhard Reuter first isolated L. reuteri from human fecal and intestinal samples in the 1960s, and this work was later repeated by other researchers.[6] The same experiments – attempting to isolate L. reuteri from feces and intestine of healthy animals – were also done for nonhuman species, proving that L. reuteri seems to be present almost universally throughout the animal kingdom. For example, L. reuteri was discovered to be present naturally in the intestines of healthy sheep, chickens,[7] pigs,[8] and rodents.[9]

Furthermore, a study searching for 18 major species of gut flora, including Lactobacillus acidophilus, in a variety of animals found L. reuteri was the only bacterium to constitute a "major component" of the Lactobacillus species present in the gut of each of the host animals tested.[10] It is now well-established as one of the most ubiquitous members of the naturally occurring gut bacteria.

In a related discovery, each animal host seems to have a host-specific strain of L. reuteri, e.g. a rat strain for rats, a pig strain for pigs, etc.[9][11] The universality of L. reuteri, in conjunction with this evolved host-specificity, has led scientists to make inferences about its importance in promoting the health of the host organism.[12]


L. reuteri is marketed by Swedish company BioGaia AB, which owns patents on several strains as well as other patents regarding commercial usage of L. reuteri.

Effects Antimicrobial

L. reuteri is known to produce reuterin,[13] reutericin 6,[14] and reutericyclin.[15]


In the late 1980s, Walter Dobrogosz, Ivan Casas, and their colleagues discovered L. reuteri produced a novel broad-spectrum antibiotic substance via the organism"s fermentation of glycerol. They named this substance reuterin, also after Gerhard Reuter.[13] Reuterin is a multiple-compound dynamic equilibrium (HPA system, HPA) consisting of 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde, its hydrate, and its dimer.[16][17] At concentrations above 1.4 M, the HPA dimer was predominant. However, at concentrations relevant for biological systems, HPA hydrate was the most abundant, followed by the aldehyde form.[18]

Reuterin was found to inhibit the growth of some harmful Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, along with yeasts, fungi, and protozoa.[19] Naturally, a gut organism capable of fighting off other, harmful gut organisms was of great interest. Researchers found L. reuteri can indeed secrete sufficient amounts of reuterin to cause the desired antimicrobial effects. Furthermore, since about four to five times the amount of reuterin is needed to kill "good" gut bacteria (i.e. L. reuteri and other Lactobacillus species) as "bad", this would allow L. reuteri to remove gut invaders while keeping normal gut flora intact.[12]

Some studies have called into question whether or not reuterin production is essential for L. reuteri "s health-promoting activity. However, the discovery that it naturally produces an antibiotic substance was nevertheless important, as it has led to a great deal of further research. In fact, in early 2008, L. reuteri was confirmed to be capable of producing reuterin in the gastrointestinal tract, and this improves its ability to inhibit the growth of E. coli.[20]

The gene cluster controlling the biosynthesis of reuterin and cobalamin in the L. reuteri genome is a genomic island acquired from an anomalous source.[21]

Clinical results in humans

Although L. reuteri occurs naturally in humans, it is not found in all individuals. Therefore, dietary supplementation is needed to introduce and maintain high levels of it in some people. Oral intake of L. reuteri has been shown to effectively colonize the intestine of healthy people; colonization begins rapidly within days of ingestion, although the levels in the body drop within several months after intake is stopped.[22] Furthermore, L. reuteri is found in breast milk,[23] and oral intake on the mother"s part likewise increases the amount of L. reuteri present in her milk, and the likelihood that it will be transferred to the child"s body.[24]

Once present in the body, L. reuteri benefits its host in a variety of ways, particularly by fighting off harmful infections and mediating the body"s immune system.


The manipulation of the gut flora is complex and may cause bacteria-host interactions.[25] Although probiotics, in general, are considered safe, there are concerns about their use in certain cases.[25][26] Some people, such as those with compromised immune systems, short bowel syndrome, central venous catheters, heart valve disease and premature infants, may be at higher risk for adverse events.[27] Rarely, consumption of probiotics may cause bacteremia, fungemia and sepsis, potentially fatal infections, in children with lowered immune systems or who are already critically ill.[28]

Intestinal health

One of the most well-documented effects of L. reuteri is in the treatment of diarrheal diseases in children, where it has been shown to significantly decrease the duration of symptoms.[29][30] Treatment of rotaviral diarrhea by consumption of L. reuteri significantly shortens the duration of the illness as compared to placebo. Furthermore, this effect is dose-dependent: the more L. reuteri consumed, the faster the diarrhea stops.[31] L. reuteri is also effective as a prophylactic for this illness; children fed it while healthy are less likely to fall ill with diarrhea in the first place.[32] With regard to prevention of gut infections, comparative research has found L. reuteri to be more potent than other probiotic organisms.[33][34] It has also been found in animal research to reduce motor complexes and thus intestinal motility.[35]

L. reuteri may be effective in the treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis in pre-term infants. Meta-analysis of several randomized studies suggests that L. reuteri can reduce the incidence of sepsis and shorten the required duration of hospital treatment in this population.[36]

L. reuteri is also an effective treatment against infant colic.[37][38] Studies suggest that colicky infants treated with L. reuteri experience a reduction in time spent crying compared to those treated with simethicone,[39] or to those receiving placebo.[40] However, colic is still poorly understood, and it is not clear why or how L. reuteri ameliorates its symptoms. One theory of colic, though, holds that affected infants cry because of severe gastrointestinal discomfort; if this is indeed the case, it is quite plausible that L. reuteri somehow acts to lessen this discomfort, since its primary residence is inside the gut.

Growing evidence indicates L. reuteri is capable of fighting the gut pathogen Helicobacter pylori, which causes peptic ulcers and is endemic in parts of the developing world. One study showed dietary supplementation of L. reuteri alone reduces, but does not fully eradicate, H. pylori in the gut.[41] Another study found the addition of L. reuteri to omeprazole therapy dramatically increased (from 0% to 60%) the cure rate of H. pylori-infected patients compared to the drug alone.[42] Yet another study showed L. reuteri effectively suppressed H. pylori infection and decreased the occurrence of dyspeptic symptoms, although it did not improve the outcome of antibiotic therapy.[43]

Oral health

L. reuteri may also be capable of promoting dental health, as it has been proven to kill Streptococcus mutans, a bacterium responsible for tooth decay. A screen of several probiotic bacteria found L. reuteri was the only species of those tested able to block S. mutans. Before testing in humans was begun, another study showed L. reuteri had no harmful effects on teeth. Clinical trials have since proven those people whose mouths are colonized with L. reuteri (via dietary supplementation) have significantly less of the harmful S. mutans.[44] Since these studies have been short-term, it is not yet known whether L. reuteri prevents tooth decay. However, since it is able to reduce the numbers of an important decay-causing bacterium, this would be expected.

Gingivitis also may be ameliorated by consumption of L. reuteri. Patients afflicted with severe gingivitis showed decreased gum bleeding, plaque formation, and other gingivitis-associated symptoms compared with placebo after chewing gum containing L. reuteri.[45]

General health

By protecting against many common infections, L. reuteri promotes overall wellness in both children and adults. Double-blind, randomized studies in child care centers have found L. reuteri-fed infants fall sick less often, require fewer doctor visits, and are absent fewer days from the day care center compared to placebo and to the competing probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis.[46]

Similar results have been found in adults; those consuming L. reuteri daily end up falling ill 50% less often, as measured by their decrease use of sick leave.[47]

Results in animal models

Scientific studies that require harming the subjects (for example, exposing them to a dangerous virus) cannot be conducted in humans. Therefore, many of the benefits of L. reuteri have been studied only in different animal species, such as pigs and mice. Given the similarity of mammalian species, however, it is likely – though not scientifically proven – that these benefits hold true for humans, as well.

In general, animal studies on L. reuteri are done using the species-specific strain of the bacterium (see above).

Protection against pathogens

L. reuteri confers a high level of resistance to the pathogen Salmonella typhimurium, halving mortality rates in mice.[48] The same is true for chickens[49] and turkeys; L. reuteri greatly moderates the morbidity and mortality caused by this dangerous food-borne pathogen.

L. reuteri is also effective in stopping harmful strains of E. coli from affecting their hosts. A study performed in chickens showed L. reuteri was as potent as the antibiotic gentamicin in preventing E. coli-related deaths.[50]

The protozoic parasite Cryptosporidium parvum causes severe watery diarrhea, which can become life-threatening if the patient is immunocompromised (as in individuals infected with HIV). L. reuteri is known to lessen the symptoms of C. parvum infection in mice[51] and pigs.[12] With no known direct treatment for C. parvum (the antibiotic paromomycin has limited effect),[52] L. reuteri may prove valuable in protecting patients suffering from this disease.

Some protective effect against the yeast Candida albicans has been found in mice, but in this case, L. reuteri did not work as well as other probiotic organisms, such as L. acidophilus and L. casei.[53]

General health

In young commercial livestock, such as turkey poults and piglets, body weight and growth rate are good indicators of the health of the animal. Animals raised in the dirty, crowded environments of commercial farms are generally less healthy (and therefore weigh less) than their counterparts born and bred in cleaner homes. In turkeys, for example, this phenomenon is known as "poult growth depression", or PGD.[54]

Supplementing the diets of these young farm animals with L. reuteri helps them to largely overcome the stresses imposed by their unhealthy habitats. Commercial turkeys fed L. reuteri from birth had nearly a 10% higher adult body weight than their peers raised in the same conditions.[55] A similar study on piglets showed L. reuteri is at least as effective as synthetic antibiotics in improving body weight under crowded conditions.[56]

The mechanism by which L. reuteri is able to support the healthy growth of these animals is not entirely understood. It possibly serves to protect livestock against illness caused by Salmonella typhimurium and other pathogens (see above), which are much more common in crowded commercial farms. However, other studies have revealed it can also help when the growth depression is caused entirely by a lack of dietary protein, and not by contagious disease.[57] This raises the possibility that L. reuteri somehow improves the intestines" ability to absorb and process nutrients.[12]

Chemical and trauma-induced injury

Treating colonic tissue from rats with acetic acid causes an injury similar to the human condition ulcerative colitis. Treating the injured tissue with L. reuteri immediately after removing the acid almost completely reverses any ill effects,[58] leading to the possibility that L. reuteri may be beneficial in the treatment of human colitis patients.

In addition to its role in digestion, the intestinal wall is also vital in preventing harmful bacteria, en[59] dotoxins, etc., from "leaking" into the bloodstream. This leaking, known as bacterial "translocation", is very dangerous and can lead to lethal conditions such as sepsis. In humans, translocation is more likely to occur following such events as liver injury and ingestion of some poisons. In rodent studies, L. reuteri was found to greatly reduce the amount of bacterial translocation following either the surgical removal of the liver[60] or injection with D-galactosamine,[61] a chemical which also causes liver damage.

The anticancer drug methotrexate causes severe enterocolitis in high doses. L. reuteri greatly mitigates the symptoms of methotrexate-induced enterocolitis in rats, one of which is bacterial translocation.[62]

Links to fat in diet of mice, and reversible symptoms of behavioral abnormalities

In mice, the absence of L. reuteri has been causally linked to maternal diet.[59] A gut microbial imbalance, lacking in L. reuteri, was linked to behavioral abnormalities consistent with Autism in humans.[59] These symptoms were reversible by supplementing L. reuteri and suggest that probiotic treatment may relieve specific behavioral abnormalities associated with neurodevelopmental disorders.[59]

Top 13 Scientific Health Benefits of L Reuteri

Lactobacillus reuteri is one of the most studied strains of probiotic bacteria, boasting a variety of proven health benefits. From improving your looks to increasing Vitamin D, L. reuteri is worth checking out.



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