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18.04.2011 21:43 - Каталано-английски най-чести фрази - II
Автор: apologetic Категория: Хоби   
Прочетен: 1112 Коментари: 0 Гласове:


imageimage 1. Som alt. Som mйs alt. Som el mйs alt. Som alta. Som mйs alta. Som la mйs alta. I’m tall. I’m taller. I’m the tallest. I’m tall. I’m taller. I’m the tallest.
imageimage 2. Estic bй. / Em trob bй. Estic molt bй. / Em trob molt bй. No estic gaire bй. / No em trob gaire bй. I’m all right. / I feel all right. I’m very well. / I feel very well. I’m not very well. / I’m not feeling very well.
imageimage 3. Tenc gana. Tenc set. Tenc molta gana. Tenc molta set. I’m hungry. I’m thirsty. I’m very hungry. I’m very thirsty.
imageimage 4. Tenc fred. Tenc calor. Tenc molt de fred. Tenc molta calor. I’m cold. I’m hot. I’m very cold. I’m very hot.
imageimage 5. Tenc por. Tenc molta por. Aixт em fa por. Aixт em fa molta de por. I’m scared. I’m very scared. That scares me. That scares me a lot.
imageimage 6. Йs fаcil. Sembla fаcil. Йs difнcil. Sembla difнcil. It’s easy. It looks easy. It’s difficult. It looks difficult.
imageimage 7. Em fa mal el coll. Em fan mal les cames. I have a sore throat. My legs hurt.
imageimage 8. Tenc mal de cap. Tenc febre. I have a headacke. I have a temperature.
imageimage 9. Necessit ajuda. Necessit un metge. Necessit una ambulаncia. I need help. I need a doctor. I need an ambulance.
imageimage 10. Tenc ganes de passejar. M’agradaria passejar. I feel like going for a walk. I’d like to go for a walk.
imageimage 11. M’estim mйs anar al cinema. I’d rather go to the cinema.
imageimage 12. M’agrada llegir. M’agrada aquesta ciutat. I like reading. I like this town.
imageimage 13. Em fa ganes. Em fa ilъlusiу. Em fa grаcia. I feel like. I’m looking forward to it. I find it funny.
imageimage 14. Em costa molt. Em duu molta feina. It’s very hard for me to do so. That’s a lot of work.

imageimage 1. Blanc, beix, groc, carabassa, verd, blau, lila, vermell, grana, marrу, gris, negre. White, beige, yellow, orange, green, blue, violet, red, deep red, brown, grey, black.
imageimage 2. - De quin color йs? - Йs de color blanc. / Йs blanc. | Йs de color blau. / Йs blau. - What colour is it? - It’s white. | It’s blue.
imageimage 3. M’agrada aquest color. No m’agrada gens aquest color. I like this colour. I don’t like this colour at all.
imageimage 4. Йs massa clar. No йs gaire fosc. It’s too light. It’s not very dark.

imageimage 1. U / un / una, dos / dues, tres, quatre, cinc, sis, set, vuit, nou, deu. One, two, three, four, five,six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
imageimage 2. Onze, dotze, tretze, catorze, quinze, setze, desset/disset, devuit/divuit, denou/dinou, vint. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.
imageimage 3. Trenta, quaranta, cinquanta, seixanta, setanta, vuitanta, noranta, cent, mil. Thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred, one thousand.
imageimage 4. Mig / mitja, un quart, dos quarts, una dotzena. Half, a quarter, two quarters, a dozen.

imageimage 1. - Quina hora йs, per favor? - Sуn les quatre i quart. - What time is it, please? - It’s a quarter past four.
imageimage 2. Avui. Demа. Ahir. Passat demа / Demа passat. Despъs-ahir. Today. Tomorrow. Yesterday. The day after tomorrow. The day before yesterday.
imageimage 3. - Quin dia йs avui? - Avui йs dimecres, 6 de setembre de 2000. - What day is today? - Today is Wednesday, 6th September 2000.
imageimage 4. Matн / Dematн. Migdia. Horabaixa / Tarda. Vespre. Nit. Matinada. Morning. Noon. Afternoon. Evening. Night. Early morning.
imageimage 5. Les classes sуn al vespre. Ell arriba al matн. The lessons are in the evening. He arrives in the morning.
imageimage 6. Йs de dia. Йs de nit. Es fa fosc. It’s daytime. It’s night-time. It’s getting dark.
imageimage 7. El dinar se serveix a les dues. El sopar йs a les vuit i mitja. Lunch is served at two. Dinner is served at half past eight.
imageimage 8. - Quin temps dura? - Cinc hores. - How long does it take? - Five hours.
imageimage 9. - Quin temps falta? - Tres setmanes. - How long is it before that? - Three weeks.
imageimage 10. - Quin temps estarа a tornar? - Devers una hora. - When will he/she be back? - He / She will be back in about an hour.
imageimage 11. Fa tres setmanes. Des de fa set setmanes. Three weeks ago. For seven weeks.
imageimage 12. Abans de dues hores. Desprйs de quatre dies. Less than two hours. In four days time.
imageimage 13. A les nou i quart. Devers les set i vint. At a quarter past nine. At about twenty past seven.
imageimage 14. Tenc molt de temps. Tenc poc temps. No tenc temps. I have plenty of time. I don’t have much time. I don’t have time.

imageimage 1. Dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres, dissabte, diumenge. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
imageimage 2. Gener, febrer, marз, abril, maig, juny, juliol, agost, setembre, octubre, novembre, desembre. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
imageimage 3. Primavera, estiu, tardor, hivern. Spring, summer, autumn, winter.
imageimage 4. Nord, sud, est, oest. North, South, East, West.
imageimage 5. Els dimarts hi ha mercat. Dimecres vaig a Barcelona. The market is on Tuesday. I’m going to Barcelona on Wednesday.
imageimage 6. El curs comenзa pel febrer. Es casen pel marз. The course starts in February. They are getting married in March.
imageimage 7. Som a la primavera. A l’estiu fa calor. It’s spring. In summer it’s hot.
imageimage 8. Pollenзa йs al nord. Santanyн йs al sud. Pollenзa is north. Santanyн is south.

imageimage 1. - Quants d’anys tй? | Quants d’anys tens? - Tenc 34 anys. - How old are you? - I’m 34 years old.
imageimage 2. - Quan fas els anys? - D’aquн a un mes. - When is your birthday? - My birthday is in one month time.
imageimage 3. Vaig nйixer a Manacor el dia 2 de marз de 1962. I was born in Manacor on 2nd May 1962.

imageimage TEMPS WEATHER
imageimage 1. - Quin temps fa avui? - Avui fa bon dia. | Avui fa mal dia. - What’s the weather like today? - The weather is nice today. | The weather is bad today.
imageimage 2. Fa fred. Fa calor. Fa molt de fred. Fa molta calor. It’s cold. It’s hot. It’s very cold. It’s very hot.
imageimage 3. Plou. Neva. Fa sol. It’s raining. It’s snowing. It’s sunny.
imageimage 4. Estа tapat. Estа ennigulat. Estа estirat. It’s not sunny. It’s cloudy. There are no clouds in the sky.
imageimage 5. Fa vent. Fa trons i llamps. It’s windy. There’s a storm.
imageimage 6. Hi ha boira. Hi ha humitat. Fa un temps molt sec. It’s foggy. It’s wet. It’s a very dry weather.

imageimage 1. Alerta! Anau amb compte! Attention! Be careful!
imageimage 2. Atenciу! Perill. Attention. Danger.
imageimage 3. Tancat. Tancat del 7 al 15 de juliol. Closed. Closed from 7th to 15th of July.
imageimage 4. Obert. Obert de les 10 del matн a les 7 de l’horabaixa. Open. Opening hours: 10 a. m. to 7 p. m.
imageimage 5. Tancau la porta, per favor. Please close the door.
imageimage 6. Deixau passar. Please give way.
imageimage 7. No fumeu. Do not smoke.
imageimage 8. Entrada. Sortida. Entrance. Exit.
imageimage 9. Lliure. Ocupat. Privat. Free. Occupied. Private.
imageimage 10. Pis en venda. Casa per llogar. Flat for sale. House to let.
imageimage 11. Rebaixes. Preus rebaixats. Ofertes. Descomptes. Sale. Reduced prices. Special offers. Discount.
imageimage 12. Aprofitau l’aigua. Please do not waste water.
imageimage 13. Silenci, per favor. Silence, please.

imageimage 1. - Quи volia? - Voldria telefonar. - May I help you? - I would like to make a phone call.
imageimage 2. - Quи vol prendre? - Vull prendre una cervesa. - What will you drink? - I’ll have a beer, please.
imageimage 3. - Quи val aixт? - Val tres mil pessetes. - How much is this? - It costs three thousand pesetas.
imageimage 4. - Quи li dec? - Sуn sis-centes pessetes. - How much is it? - It’s six hundred pesetas, please.
imageimage 5. El compte, per favor. Can I have the bill, please?
imageimage 6. Йs car. Йs molt car. Йs massa car. It’s expensive. It’s very expensive. It’s too expensive.
imageimage 7. Йs barat. Йs molt barat. Йs massa barat. It’s cheap. It’s very cheap. It’s too cheap.
imageimage 8. Que teniu pa? Que teniu el diari d’avui? Have you got some bread? Have you got today’s paper?
imageimage 9. Hi ha molta gent. Hi ha poca gent. There’s a lot of people. There isn’t a lot of people.
imageimage 10. No hi ha ningъ. No hi ha res. There’s nobody there. There’s nothing there.
imageimage 11. Hi ha moltes coses. Hi ha poques coses. There’s a lot of things. There are very few things.

imageimage 1. Avui йs dia feiner. Avui йs dia festiu. Today is a working day. Today is a holiday.
imageimage 2. Faig vacances. Vaig a fer feina. I’m on holidays. I’m going to work.
imageimage 3. Faig feina de perruquer. Faig feina de perruquera. Faig feina de cambrer. Faig feina de cambrera. I work as a hairdresser. I work as a waiter.
imageimage 4. No tenc feina. Estic a l’atur. I haven’t got a job. I’m unemployed.
imageimage 5. Cerc feina. Necessit una feina. I’m looking for a job. I need a job.
imageimage 6. Som comerciant. Som professor. Som professora. S


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Автор: apologetic
Категория: Хоби
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